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3D-taster Haimer (shaft Ø20 mm)

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In Stock

Article Code 3D-EKA20

Maker Atorn Weight
Model 3D-Taster Size
Ser. No Condition 10/10
Year Delivery Code

Tool accessories

Short probe tip with 4 mm ball


The Universal 3D-Sensor is a very precise and versatile measuring instrument for milling and EDM machines (insulated probe). The 3D-Sensor is clamped into a tool holder and inserted into a milling spindle. Once clamped into the machine spindle, the run-out is fully adjustable to Zero. Then, you are able to find exact positioning of the spindle axis on the edges of the workpiece. This allows for zeros to be set and the length to be measured quickly and easily. You may approach in any direction (X-, Y-, Z). When the dial gage shows zero, the spindle axis is exactly on the workpiece edge.

Length (without clamping chank): 113 mm (with short probe tip)

Width: 63 mm

Clamping Ø: 20 mm

Weight: 800 g

Sensing ball Ø: 4 mm

Mesuring radial exactness: +/- 0,01 mm

Mesuring axial exactness: +/- 0,01 mm

Sensing depth: 25 mm

Insulation type: IP67

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